A little bit about me
And what I can do for you.

Clare Mur·phy /ˈkler mərfē/ proper noun: a…

website designer, musician, big sister, artist, entrepreneur, class clown, theatre nerd, communications & sociology aficionado, improviser, yogi.
Web Design & Content
- Succesfully designed, branded, and launched several websites (always more in the works) myself, and one on a team
- 8+ years experience copy-writing; excellent formal writer as well!
- 5+ years as a content manager; wrote and edited copy, blogs, and produced media
- Consulted with developers on three major projects
- Lifelong artist and designer
- Some knowledge with HTML, SSL, CSS, FTP, PHP, MX records, DNS, and webmail
- Expertise with WordPress, but I also use Wix, Shopify, Weebly, and Square Space
- Self-made and mostly self-taught (but I’m constantly staying fresh by seeking the latest information)
- Basic SEO knowledge and implementation
Yoga & Mindfulness
- 200hr Yoga Teacher Training certified with Yoga Alliance, emphasis on non-violent communication & conflict de-escalation
- Three years working at a Fitsom, a holistic fitness and wellness facility where I was trained in breathing techniques and Self Myofacial Realease
- Yoga assistant certified, emphasis on consensual touch
- Some training on trauma-informed yoga at Yoga Seed
- Practicing yoga and mindfulness regularly since 2011
- Teaching small private classes and tailored one-on-one sessions since 2014
- Taught Vinyasa, Yin, Yin/Yang, Gentle Beginners, and All Bodies Yoga, & workshops at Yoga Seed
- Extracurricular learning (I try to continuously absorb info in order to be the best instructor I can be)
Lifestyle & Creative Expression
- 24+ years of singing experience & formal training in musicality, vocals, and guitar
- 15+ years of playing guitar and knowledgable in basic music theory, piano, synth, and other random little instruments
- Improv vocal loopist! Exactly what it sounds like
- 2 years as a venue booker and host at Secret Compound
- 6+ years of theatre experience, emphasis on theatre as a therapeutic tool
- Multi-media artist; [watercolor, acrylic, pen & ink, collage], some training in handbuilding pottery
- 50 hours of formal improv training at Comedy Spot (non-profit) + in personal time. Ongoing!
- 3 years providing lifestyle design and conflict mediation services (and a lifetime of advice ammarite?)
- Training in conflict de-escalation and restorative justice